CS448 - Trigger settings

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27 May 2020
Posts: 1


By using the latest Cleverscope CS 448 we have met the problem that we could not set the "trigger" mode as normal oscilloscope. In attachment is the screenshot and nothing is measured when it is switched to "triggered" mode as shown.

p.s. What does "Level" in the config column mean?

Best regards

27 May 2020
Posts: 481

Hi Godfrey,
let's schedule a Skype session.

To just capture what is there, use Auto. Triggered assumes you have a trigger to trigger off.

I note that you have the amplitude axis set to 2uV/division (all the rest are 50 uV, and Chan B is set to x100). These are not useable amplitude ranges unless you have filtering on, or are using probe scaling. I suggest you set them to 100mV/div or 1V/div or whatever matches the signal you intend to capture.

In your setup, besides being 2uV/div you have the trigger level - this is the voltage level at which a trigger occurs, as -1.53mV. So there will be two outcomes when you click triggered:
1. You in all probability will not see a signal because it does not traverse the particular -36 to +36uV amplitude range you have selected, and
2. The signal might not go through -1.553mV
This is why you you are not seeing a trigger.

The manual (though for the CS328A) still applies. You can find the manual in Cleverscope4/Cleverscope Manual on the Task Bar. Follow section 3.6 Acquire a Signal for Display to get started. Do these things to get started:
1. Connect up the scope, plug in the USB, wait for the green power light to stop flashing and be on solid (which indicates internal calibration is complete). Take one of the green probes, and attach the probe tip to BNC adaptor to it. Set it to x1. Take the SMA - BNC adaptor (included with the kit) and screw it into the filtered output signal generator (back left hand side looking at the CS448 from the rear), plug the scope probe into Chan A, and the probe end into the sig gen.
2. Start the application, and set the Chan A amplitude range to 200mV/div (using the channel controls - see the picture below), and set the time scale to 250us/div.
3. Display the signal generator setup using View/Sig Gen Controls, and then set the Base Frequency to 1k, and the Freq Range to 100k. Set the Amplitude to 1. Set the waveform to Sine. See the picture below.
4. On Cscope Control, set the Trigger 1 source to Chan A, and the Level to 0.
5. Click the Channel A set amplitude axis centre to 0 button (see the first picture), so the waveform will be centred in the display.
6. Click Auto, and you should see the sig gen signal.
7. Play with the Sig Gen control panel to vary frequency, amplitude etc.

As far as triggering goes, there is a second trigger that can be used in combination with the first trigger to capture based on pulse width, pulse height, missing pulse, runt pulse, pulse slope, pulse count, pulse frequency etc. The Trigger 1~2 area on Cscope Control is used for the setup combination, and Trigger 2 is setup using View/Trigger 2 settings. Click on the blue question for help. See the final picture.

I hope this helps. We are happy to do a Skype, Teamviewer, Zoom or Microsoft Teams meeting to help.


ps right click on each image, and open in a different window to see it full size.
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