CS448 - Excel DDE not working

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AndersBogga AndersBogga

11 Jun 2020
Posts: 12

I have been trying to sample data from Cleverscope4 without luck. The DDE links does not work and when I start logging Excel starts and then shuts down quickly. Are there any options or security settings I need to change to make this work?
rhcarter rhcarter

17 Jun 2020
Posts: 114

Hi Anders,
Apologies for the delay in replying. If you are using the latest version of Office there will be an issue - we think it currently works up to 2017. We will get it working with the latest version as soon as possible.
AndersBogga AndersBogga

17 Jun 2020
Posts: 12

Hi Roger,
Thanks that would be great. I run Excel 2010 and possibly it has to do with something else since I get these messages:
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