CSCOPE4+CS448 - Hide channels in Maths Display

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AndersBogga AndersBogga

17 Jun 2020
Posts: 12

When I use the Maths Display I can see all channels at once but can't find a way to hide the ones I do not wan't to be displayed, like I can do in Scope Display. Is this possible to do?

27 Jun 2020
Posts: 481

Hello Anders,
Yes you can choose which channels are displayed by selecting the Maths display (So the Control Panel says Display:Maths), and then setting the channel On or Off, using the Cscope Control panel. To control channels greater than D or Ch4, use the triangular Left/Right buttons by the Analog Channel control on the Cscope Control Panel.
You can display channels in the A,B,C or Ch1, Ch2, Ch3 style as selected in Settings/Analog Names and Units.

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