Working offline

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12 Feb 2021
Posts: 13

Hi Bart,

Yesterday I made an ensemble of scope measurements with the CS328A and saved the waveforms as binary files, with the intent of organizing them later for a presentation.

In the evening, I booted up the program on my laptop at home (without the hardware), and tried loading one of the binaries in. It acted like it was successful (no error messages) but no trace was displayed.

Is it not possible to work in offline mode like this? Or is it necessary to have the measurement hardware attached to even do that?


12 Feb 2021
Posts: 481

Hello John,
You should be able to do exactly as you describe, and open a binary file off line, without the need for a connected unit. We will check this out..

rhcarter rhcarter

12 Feb 2021
Posts: 114

Hi John,
Can you please tell me the version of the application you are using at both locations


13 Feb 2021
Posts: 13

Thanks for your prompt reponse, guys. It's version v4.69993 . Bart was kind enough to add FRA access to the DDE code for me in this version, so I deleted all others.

Kane Kane

15 Feb 2021
Posts: 10

Hi John,
I will look at this issue today. And yes opening the binary files should open and display the waveforms when offline. I will be in touch!

16 Feb 2021
Posts: 13

Thanks Kane, looking forward to your results!

20 Feb 2021
Posts: 13

Are you still looking, or did you find something?

5 Mar 2021
Posts: 13

Anything, guys? This matter seems to have been dropped...
Kane Kane

5 Mar 2021
Posts: 10

Hello John,
Apologies for not getting back to you sooner.

I tested this function on 4.69993 on a couple of machines. It worked fine here. I intended to investigate further but I got sidetracked, I am sorry.

Can you please check that you are opening the binary file via "File/Open from Binary..."? If you use "File/Open...", then that will not open the binary file.

I have attached an image showing the correct menu open.

Let me know how you get on,

5 Mar 2021
Posts: 13

Thanks Kane. Yes, I was using Open from Binary. I'll try it again tonight just to make sure I wasn't making a dumb mistake.
Kane Kane

5 Mar 2021
Posts: 10

If the binary files do not open, could you send them to me to check there is nothing wrong with the files themselves.


5 Mar 2021
Posts: 13

Hi Kane,

Well I don't know what I was doing wrong, but it is working fine now. So sorry for the hassle... :(

Thank you,
Kane Kane

5 Mar 2021
Posts: 10

Don't apologise. If a user has a complication (misunderstanding or otherwise) it is good to know about it so perhaps we can see things from their perspective and perhaps make improvements!
All the best,
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