USB connection malfunction warning

USB connection malfunction warning, a forum discussion on Cleverscope Mixed Signal USB Oscilloscopes. Join us for more discussions on USB connection malfunction warning on our Interface issues forum.

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12 May 2021
Posts: 3


I have an old CS320A(s/n: BQ6925), when i connect the USB cable to my PC, a warning message pop-out, says: "The last USB device you connected to this computer malfunctioned, and windows does not recognize it"
I stalled the driver from "Cscope Installation Disk 469993".

I tried on different PCs(win10, AMD64 and INTEL64), both have the same issue, i missed any drivers? or the USB card internal already broken?

Update: i found it's the issue of my USB cable, after change a new one, the issue solved~


13 May 2021
Posts: 481

Hi David,
Good you found the problem.
Kind regards
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