CS448 VB.Net Control Driver

CS448 VB.Net Control Driver, a forum discussion on Cleverscope Mixed Signal USB Oscilloscopes. Join us for more discussions on CS448 VB.Net Control Driver on our Questions forum.

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13 Aug 2021
Posts: 3

I am unable to find the .dll / Control driver to communicate with cleverscope Model no: (CS448).
rhcarter rhcarter

27 Oct 2021
Posts: 114

The CS448 can be communicated with by our 64 bit drivers and we have sample code for C#, C++, MatLab, VB.Net, Python and Labview. It can be downloaded from https://www.cleverscope.com/files/Cscope%20control%20driver%2064%20(Development)%20v3.9.91.zip

These drivers work will all of our oscilloscope models, not just the CS448.

5 Jul 2022
Posts: 3

I got the Development sample code of the Cleverscope but it did'nt get sample's data of Channel C and D.
I updated all the drivers properly and the firmware inside the CS548 with cscope fw 7544.cmf

I attached some images of the channel's data :-
Channel (A and B) = Read Samples ;
Channel (C and D) = Read Samples (0);

rhcarter rhcarter

5 Jul 2022
Posts: 114

We are aware of this and are urgently working on an update of the driver which currently does not recognise that the CS548 exists. We should be publishing an updated driver before the end of the week and will email you the link as soon as that happens.

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