CS328 Classic: Streaming?

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5 May 2022
Posts: 4

Have a <4000 serial CS328 "Classic" (it wasn't called that when I purchased it in 2006!) running v5338, and recently had a need to stream data to disk from the digital inputs. On the non-64-bit version of Cleverscope, pressing "Stream" appears to work, but only a single frame is written to disk (triggers are still active), and the display doesn't show data.

Under the 64-bit version of Cleverscope (5.1.5), the "Stream" button is greyed out - even though I've configured the default file and output properly. Thinking there was more recent firmware for the CS328, I tried flashing the unit, but cannot as the 64-bit flash software doesn't 'see' the CS328 (even though I can select it) and the flash buttons remain greyed out.

Am I doing something wrong, or does the CS328 lack streaming capabilities?
rhcarter rhcarter

5 May 2022
Posts: 114

Streaming requires a lot of additional firmware and in the Classic (to differentiate from those made after 2006) we ran out of space in the FPGA to put any more!

We still support the classic with our software, the failure to flash the firmware is an oversight that will be corrected in the next release. The software now has to support the CS448 and CS548 as well as the CS328 and CS328A so it will identify more clearly functions that are not available in a particular hardware.

So, I am sorry but if you need streaming you will have to consider a newer unit.

5 May 2022
Posts: 4

Ok, thanks for the information - always good to know your limits! I'm using a combination of writing to notes and dumping the display as text, which appear to be working.

As long as I have your attention, I have two quick follow-ups:

1. When I use the "count" feature (hexadecimal decode) on 8-bit data from the digital inputs, input 8 appears to be the LSB and input 1 appears to be the MSB. I only figured that out by looking at individual decoded frames and the count decoded data from the "bottom-up" (i.e., digital input 8 to digital input 1). Not really a big problem, as I just change the digital input order in the count configuration, but I was wondering if there was any particular reason as to why the default order seems 'backwards'.

2. In the 32-bit version of Cleverscope, hex values generally appear nicely under the digital inputs in the digital input window (sometimes a refresh is required to 'see' them). In the 64-bit version, many of the hex values are overlapping and cannot be read. I tried different timebases and window sizes and many just want to overlap for some reason, but maybe it's just my laptop!

Thanks, and no rush!
rhcarter rhcarter

11 May 2022
Posts: 114

Hi, I needed developer input so it took a little longer!

1.It was agreed that the order should be reversed so that is in the next build - probably out later this week.

2. Can you give me a screen shot please that I can pass over to them. it is not something they have seen. it would be good to get the apc file as well so we can see the configuration.

12 May 2022
Posts: 4

Hi - sorry for the delay...

1. Glad that you're changing the order - I don't know why, but it's more difficult to mentally track which inputs are connected to which lines when they are reversed (address 1 = input 8) and so on. Changing the order will remove the extra "mapping" step.

2. Attached, please find a screenshot demonstrating the "overlapping" hex code behaviour and the associated app file.

Please let me know if you need anything else from me.

Attached Files

Kane Kane

12 May 2022
Posts: 10

Thank you for reporting the issues. Yes the reverse order issue is fixed now. How odd no-one has reported that yet!

As for the overlapping issue: when I capture here, the text aligns perfectly. When I opened your apc file in the latest version of the software, the text aligns nicely as you can see. So, before I go too far down a rabbit hole, I will do an unofficial release for you today, and send you an FTP link to download it and try it out. The official release is not far behind.

Best regards,

12 May 2022
Posts: 4

Thanks very much Kane!

I received the link and will give the new version a shot when I have an opportunity and provide any feedback here. I kind of suspect that it's the laptop I'm using; you've proven that it's an installation/machine-dependent problem by opening the apc file without issue.

- Andrew
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