Matlab live export problems

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Diego Puyal

10 Dec 2022
Posts: 4

I have currently two versions of Matlab installed on my PC (2021b and 2022a).
When I try to follow the basic examples in the videos I get the error 1026. Matlab does not start.
Of course, I've cleared the cache and I've set the .m files path.

Any clue about this problem?


Diego Puyal
BSH Home Appliances Spain

rhcarter rhcarter

10 Dec 2022
Posts: 114

Hi Diego,
We did have an issue with the Matlab links that is resolved in the latest version we have just put up on the website - and it has many other improvements as well. Download from

Let me know how you go.

Diego Puyal

13 Dec 2022
Posts: 4

Hi again,

It works now but the sampling frequency I get in the Matlab exported waveform is random.
Sometimes 1MS/s, sometimes 10Ms/s, 100Ms/s.
At any moment the resolution indicated at the main display is 5ns as we are using a CS448.
What I'm doing wrong?


rhcarter rhcarter

13 Dec 2022
Posts: 114

What is sent to Matlab is the "N Display" value in the Control Window. This will depend on the Display Samples in the Acquisition settings and how wide a span you have on the scope display. The higher this value the slower the sampling as it all has to be rendered.

If you could File | Save As and send me an apc file and a little about what you are trying to achieve to roger.carter at we may to able to suggest some options.

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