Mains trigger synchronization

Mains trigger synchronization, a forum discussion on Cleverscope Mixed Signal USB Oscilloscopes. Join us for more discussions on Mains trigger synchronization on our Desired Features forum.

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Diego Puyal

10 Dec 2022
Posts: 4

It would be really interesting to have this built-in feature but it would probably require to integrate the PSU inside the equipment. It is necessary to estimate losses, etc.. of those converters that does not work with DC bus (i.e. Domestic Induction heating).

2 Jan 2023
Posts: 481

Hello Diego,
Quite right our power supply is DC, so no trigger there. We won't be changing our design on this front - meeting standards for all the worlds power supplies is a very big ask, and not worth the cost.

But it is easy to make a magnetically coupled trigger - if using the CS448/CS548, you could wrap a wire a few turns round the phase that goes into the equipment, and trigger off the zero crossing (it will be the current crossing, but you can still measure losses using that).

If you want to measure the full input power, I'd be thinking you are measuring the input voltage and current anyway. Is this not true?


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