Spectrum analyzer after an FRA

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15 Dec 2022
Posts: 9

Hello. After performing an FRA, there seems to be a bug with the spectrum analyzer. The y-axis turns into GdB (giga) scale, or per division, and it pretty much is not usable. No matter how I try various things and settings the trace makes no sense at all.
Is there a better way of resetting the spectrum analyzer than uninstalling then installing the software?
The spectrum analyzer works great until I use the FRA and after that it is bugged...
regards, Hans Wilson
rhcarter rhcarter

16 Dec 2022
Posts: 114

Hi Hans,
There does seem to be an issue with the Spectrum not going back after running the FRA which we will need to investigate. You do not need to re-install, all it requires is reloading the default setup from File | Open Recent Setups | Cleverscope4 x64 Default to take you back to the initial setup.

Even better, configure it how you would like and then save it as a new defined setup which you can reload at any time.

There is also another way. After capturing the FRA with the huge results (not really expected), click on the Fit button on the amplitude axis. The axis to should now show the full range of the signal. You can save this as a setup using File/Save Setup...

rhcarter rhcarter

22 Dec 2022
Posts: 114

Hello Hans,
We have just released v5.02.17 which now has a button on the Spectrum graph to revert to regular units. It also has some other improvements and changes requested by users. Let us know how it works for you.


9 Feb 2023
Posts: 9

Hello. Great, will try. Thanks
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