Documentation of Cscope control driver 64.dll

Documentation of Cscope control driver 64.dll, a forum discussion on Cleverscope Mixed Signal USB Oscilloscopes. Join us for more discussions on Documentation of Cscope control driver 64.dll on our Driver Questions forum.

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Marcin Robaczewski

18 May 2023
Posts: 1


Where can I find the documentation of Cscope control driver 64.dll ?
There are examples but I couldn't find a documentation.

rhcarter rhcarter

19 May 2023
Posts: 114

Hi Marcin,
We are behind with the documentation on the 64 bit driver but until we get that done the 32bit document gives you the basics - Control Driver DLL description v2.8.pdf

Any specific questions you have you are welcome to send us a message and we can converse directly.


12 Jul 2023
Posts: 2

great product the CS328A!

We have it running LAN-connected under Win11 with 64-bit DLL driver version 4.013 and attempt to control it by a self-written code in Python 3.10.12.
We have complex demanding measurement equirements in a setup in combination with a function generator.

Is there a chance to get a more recent documentation of the DLL usage (beyond the python example code)?
That would great.

Many thanks,

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