Saving FRA data

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12 Oct 2023
Posts: 15

I'm using a CS320A-FRA to do some gain/phase analysis and really like it. However, I'm having some trouble saving results.

1. If I set the software to save FRA results in .xlsx format, the software saves in .apc format after the sweep completes.
2. Saving in .txt format works. However, the format leaves a bit to be desired.
a. The column labels are "Freq", "Chan_A", and "Chan_B" when the data in each column is really "Freq", "Gain", and "Phase".
b. There are no units defined anywhere in the text file.
c. Terms such as [Sample_Definition], nsample, and TriggerTime appear in the text file, even though these don't seem quite appropriate to a frequency analysis sweep. I realize this is a nitpick.
d. The second data row in the first file I managed to save in text format has clearly bogus data. I'm not sure why that happened... can you give any pointers on how to avoid this? I guess my best option is to delete that row.

I'm using app version 5.2.25 with a CS320A-FRA that says it is type CS328A v6, HW Version 3.9, FW Version 6575.

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12 Oct 2023
Posts: 15

One more thing: Even though I have "unwrap phase" selected, the phase wraps twice in this capture.
rhcarter rhcarter

12 Oct 2023
Posts: 114

Hi, I will investigate and get back to you

rhcarter rhcarter

13 Oct 2023
Posts: 114

Version 5.2.25 had saving as .xlsx added but it it is greyed out as it was not completed before the software was released. We are currently testing 5.3.1 which has the xlsx working and hope to release in the next week or two - it has a lot of updates to test though! I will let you know when it is available.

Because saving started as just the raw data from the A and B channels we had not thought enough about the naming when we widened it to derived data. We will make changes to add more relevant information.

We have been unable to see the issue of bogus data so can only suggest removing it for now. If you can replicate it then sending us the apc file would be very useful.

Unwrap phase is a Labview library so we may not be able to solve that. We will look further but probably not solve it for the next release.

Happy to hear any other comments you have.


13 Oct 2023
Posts: 15

Hi Roger,

Those sound like good improvements to me.

The bogus data thing happens intermittently, and it's always the second sample. If it starts happening in a more consistent fashion, I'll send over an apc file. I assume you mean a settings apc file? Or settings and data? Both shouldn't be a problem.

24 Oct 2023
Posts: 15

FRA with the CS320A is continuing to go well. Two more minor points about the software:

1. The software "forgets" the "Log Amp Fill" setting in the Amplitude Table section of the FRA control window between program restarts.
2. The software "forgets" the "Save Stop" setting in the File Options window between program restarts. I always get to that window by clicking on the "Save FRA result" button on in the FRA control window.

rhcarter rhcarter

24 Oct 2023
Posts: 114

Thanks for letting us know. We are aware of the table issue but the other issue is new so has been added to our list to fix!

26 Oct 2023
Posts: 15

Getting a -120dB response on only the second sample seems to occur perhaps every other capture. I wanted to save the FRA results as an APC file after seeing this happen when I save as a text file (much easier to view individual data points). I went to the Cscope control panel and did File -> Save As. I hope it saved the FRA data; the documentation is not at all clear on that and only says File -> Save As should save a setup.

More importantly, after IT pushed some updates to my work computer today, there have been several times where merely focusing the spectrum display window (clicking on window where there are no buttons, clicking on title bar, using the Window menu on the Cscope control panel) causes the vertical scale to zoom in an infinite loop. Restarting the cleverscope program doesn't seem to help; restarting my computer does. However, this eventually starts happening again. I'm going to try reinstalling the cleverscope program because this is seriously impeding my ability to take FRA data. If it helps any, the spectrum display window color changed from light blue to gray when all of this started happening.

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26 Oct 2023
Posts: 15

Reinstalling the software didn't help either, but deleting all of the prf files and redoing the settings has been helping so far. I've attached my most recent prf file and a zip of all the prf files that I deleted in response to the spectrum graph zoom loop of death issue.

I wonder if I clicked a wrong button in the spectrum window that caused some kind of interaction with the autoscaling function of the FRA system.

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26 Oct 2023
Posts: 15

That was not a long term fix. You've gotta help me. This is seriously hampering usability of this instrument that otherwise seems to work well. It's to the point that I'm going to have to write that my equipment is unusable, skip this part of testing, and come back to it later after the software is more stable.

26 Oct 2023
Posts: 15

Turning off auto amplitude axis setup in the FRA panel changes the situation slightly. Simply focusing the spectrum analysis window no longer causes endless zoom in / zoom out. However, if I click the buttons to, for example, move the gain waveform up or down, these are interpreted as either several mouse clicks per actual click or continuous mouse clicks. The expand waveform (or its opposite) behave as indicated above: both result in endless zoom in or zoom out after a single click. It makes the spectrum view effectively unusable.
Kane Kane

26 Oct 2023
Posts: 10

I am investigating the prefs file and work out how to debug this.
1) Prior to the system updates, has this every occurred before?
2) Do you know what updates were pushed to your PC? Just Windows or other development tools?
3) There was a past history with the mousewheels and PIC development tools. Do you use PIC tools?
4) Open C:\Program Files\Cleverscope\Cleverscope4 x64\Cleverscope4 x64.ini and change the entry "Use=True" to "Use=False":
Use = False
Kane Kane

26 Oct 2023
Posts: 10

Once you change entry, save the Cleverscope4 x64.ini and restart the Cleverscope Software.

26 Oct 2023
Posts: 15

Thanks; I'll give that a try.

1) Hasn't occurred before the updates.
2) Updates were windows operating system, .NET, and Office 365 applications.
3) I have the MPLAB IDE installed, but it wasn't open, and the only USB device attached to the computer today was the CS320A-FRA.
4) Going to try this out shortly. Thank you.

Kane Kane

26 Oct 2023
Posts: 10

I believe there was a National Instruments (the foundation of Labview runtime) and the PIC drivers conflict. Somehow causing Wheelmouse issues. It was so long ago, that I can't recall specifics. Disabling the wheelmouse in Labview, was the only solution.

Thanks, goodluck.

26 Oct 2023
Posts: 15

After applying your fix, I did a few sweeps, an extra program restart, and several more sweeps, and the issue has not reocurred. Thank you!

I really like this tool, and the value vs. cost is great. It was really frustrating for a bit there to think that could be so affected by a software bug.
Kane Kane

26 Oct 2023
Posts: 10

I totally appreciate that. This conflict between NI and Microchip driver has not risen it's head for many years. And somehow a system update has caused the conflict to be established!? Of course, a cost to you is not being able to use the wheel-mouse in Cleverscope.

There is a possibility if you were to uninstall Microchip software, and Cleverscope, then reinstall both - it might resolve things.

Thanks for reporting!


26 Oct 2023
Posts: 15

You know, it's funny: When I'm using this software, it's on my work laptop at a lab bench, and there tends not to be space for a wheel mouse. Additionally, the ESD mat has a bit too much friction with the mouse that I do have, and I haven't gotten around to ordering a mousepad (remember those?).

So I have not and do not plan to use a scroll wheel with the software. The solution is great.

31 Oct 2023
Posts: 15

I'm still seeing the occasional data point show up with -120dB gain and 0° phase.

Roger asked for an APC file to help diagnose this. I wanted to save the FRA results as an APC file after seeing this happen with the software set to save data as a text file (much easier to view individual data points). I went to the Cscope control panel and did "File -> Save As". I hope it saved the FRA data; the documentation only says that "File -> Save As" saves a setup, and I have no idea if that includes data or not.

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Kane Kane

31 Oct 2023
Posts: 10

Ok, right I am catching up. Can I ask, your response tests are from 10Hz to 2MHz. Do you see the false result with a starting frequency at say 100Hz or 1KHz? Roger and I are trying to run the tests on here to replicate this (using your apc file, which saves the FRA and settings perfectly thanks for that!). I can see the -120dB (and 0.00000 deg phase).
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