CS320A amplitude range

CS320A amplitude range, a forum discussion on Cleverscope Mixed Signal USB Oscilloscopes. Join us for more discussions on CS320A amplitude range on our Questions forum.

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23rd February
Posts: 2

I am implementing cleverscope CS320A in a c# project.
I wanted to know about cleverscope's amplitude range steps. Can I set a channel's max and min amplitude differently? For ex. Max = 10V and min = 1V ?
Also If I want to utilize all 12 bits, should I set range to, for example +20V to -20V , or can I also set it as +20V to 0V. Will all bits be utilized in this range also?
If there is any documentation which I can refer to regarding this. Please suggest.
rhcarter rhcarter

23rd February
Posts: 114

You are correct in your understanding of the range. We use the full 12 bits across a range slightly more than the range you specify. Because the CS328A has offset as well as scaling that range can be offset above or below 0V. I have attached a document that explains that in detail.

I also attach the document describing the operation of the DLL. It is a little out of date as the driver has evolved but is the most recent we have.


Attached Files


24th February
Posts: 2

Thanks, but the link is not accessible.
Giving error :This site can’t be reached.
Please provide another link.
rhcarter rhcarter

25th February
Posts: 114

Sorry about that, not sure what happened there. Download from here - https://cleverscope.com/files/CS328A%20scale%20and%20offset%20system.pdf
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