Any way to read the data over a open program interface

Any way to read the data over a open program interface, a forum discussion on Cleverscope Mixed Signal USB Oscilloscopes. Join us for more discussions on Any way to read the data over a open program interface on our Desired Features forum.

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11 Sep 2005
Posts: 29

I am about to buy your box but I need a open pogrammable interface dll to read the data from our sw without User interaction. We use dotnet C#
Any idear?

15 Sep 2005
Posts: 29

Yeah I'm also interested in one of your scopes but was wondering if it has an API which I can program against using C++ / .Net etc? If it does do you have any example code just to demonstrate the process by which to get access to the oscilloscope? Also, what type of connection is used to connect the scope to the computer and is there a well documented command set supplied?

12 Oct 2005
Posts: 481

We currently have only one way to talk to the Cleverscope programmatically - using a labview VI. You can find it in the resources section of the website.

As a matter of priority we intend to implement a DLL version of the VI (not hard as Labview does that natively). Any volunteers interested in testing the DLL would be greatly appreciated.

Finally, we have a preliminary Matlab X script server running inside the Cleverscope app, and this allows Matlab to extract data sets dynamically from a running Cleverscope. We will publish the details once we are certain it's solid. Perhaps there is also some value in an HTTP or .net server as well. Any thoughts?

16 Dec 2005
Posts: 29

What is the situation regarding this? It has been on the list for 12 months.

I don't particularly care about the interface, I just want to get the streaming data out of the scope & into a file which I can analyse in Excel. I accept that it won't be at full digitiser rate.

It seemed such a given ( scope feeds PC ) that we didn't even bother looking for it on the data sheet ( our fault ). A grand and a half later & I am back to using an AVR/extADC to log data...

16 Dec 2005
Posts: 481

Just getting the data out and saving to a file is no biggie (unless you don't have it!). We are working on the logging side of it right now. It's been a long time because the display side has some difficulties - logging at 100kSa/sec to disk, it is easy to see G samples in the file after just 3 hours. We want to be able to play this back, and search for events relatively quickly. It is this activity that has been holding us up. Perhaps it is better for us to do the saving first, and then do the loading. Will keep you posted.

The DLL will be on the website just after Christmas.

16 Dec 2005
Posts: 29

""BartSchroder"" said...
Just getting the data out and saving to a file is no biggie


Thanks for the prompt response.

What is the recommended way of saving the data in the buffer.

At present I am capturing data with a DC..150Hz component & so with a large number of frames allocated I can capture a fair duration of data. Only problem is that I can't see how to save the frame content as a contigious block of data, only as a one page trace per frame.

As an aside the rest of the system is very impressive & shows great promise ( some as yet un-realised ;-)


16 Dec 2005
Posts: 481

Saving frame by frame is away to do it - and rather time consuming I agree.
Bizarre as it sounds, we have only just got round to saving the full buffer, including exploiting the frames. There are quite a number of people hanging out for this. It seems obvious to do, but a lot of other software has also been needed. We will get there!

Good to hear that in other respects Cleverscope seems ok.

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